
Interface PartialPlayerOptions




Optional app

app: PlayerAppOptions | boolean

TextAlive App Framework usage option. When this flag is set, the player parses query string to gain initial media information and tries communicating with the app host.

Optional defaultVideoSize

defaultVideoSize: VideoSizeConfig

Default video size

Optional fontFamilies

fontFamilies: string[]

A list of font families to load. When a video is loaded, fonts used in the video override the list.

Optional graphics

graphics: GraphicsDriver

A graphics driver that renders the video.

Optional lyricsFetchTimeout

lyricsFetchTimeout: undefined | number

Timeout for fetching lyrics text [ms].

Optional managers

managers: IPlayerManagers

TextAlive manager instances.

Optional mediaElement

mediaElement: HTMLElement

A HTML div element to host media elements.

Optional throttleInterval

throttleInterval: undefined | number

An interval for emitting throttled events [ms].

Optional timer

timer: Timer

A timer instance that controls the player status.

Optional unsafeAcceleration

unsafeAcceleration: undefined | false | true

Unsafe acceleration. When this flag is set, JavaScript code is executed natively.

Optional valenceArousalEnabled

valenceArousalEnabled: undefined | false | true

Whether to load valence arousal data or not

Optional vocalAmplitudeEnabled

vocalAmplitudeEnabled: undefined | false | true

Whether to load vocal amplitude data or not