Interface IBeat

ビート情報 / Beat info

interface IBeat {
    duration: number;
    endTime: number;
    index: number;
    length: number;
    next: IBeat;
    position: number;
    previous: IBeat;
    startTime: number;
    contains(time): boolean;
    overlaps(obj): boolean;
    overlaps(startTime, endTime): boolean;
    progress(time): number;

Hierarchy (view full)


duration: number

ビート間隔 [ms] / Duration [ms]

endTime: number

Inherit Doc

index: number

楽曲中のビート位置 / Index of this beat in the song

length: number

小節中のビート数 / Number of beats in a bar

next: IBeat

次のビート / Next beat

position: number

小節中のビート位置 / Index in the bar

previous: IBeat

前のビート / Previous beat

startTime: number


  • Returns whether this time range contains the specified time (start and end inclusive).


    • time: number

      時刻 [ms] / Time [ms]

    Returns boolean

  • Returns whether the specified range overlaps with this time range (start and end inclusive).


    • obj: TimedObject

      時刻付きオブジェクト / Timed object

    Returns boolean

  • Returns whether the specified range overlaps with this time range (start and end inclusive).


    • startTime: number

      開始時刻 [ms] / Start time [ms]

    • endTime: number

      終了時刻 [ms] / End time [ms]

    Returns boolean

  • 指定された楽曲中の位置をこのビート中の位置 [0, 1] にマッピングして返す

    Returns the position in this beat [0, 1]


    • time: number

      楽曲中の位置 / Position in a song

    Returns number